Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The big 3-0

I have made it through the first month of back to school and am still losing weight! Hoorah!! If I can get through this transition without depending on food and going back to my unhealthy habits, I think I can get through anything. I have lost another 6 pounds since my last post (check ticker at bottom of page for total weight loss).
It is hard for me to believe that in 3 days I will be 30 years old. I have all kinds of thoughts and feelings about turning 30--most of them good. My one regret is that I did not lose the weight sooner. It has taken me 30 years to finally get myself on the right track. To finally feel like I have enough inner-strength to get by without using food as my support. To realize that I am really worth the extra time, money, energy, etc., that goes into taking care of one's body and spirit. Here's to a much healthier next 30 years!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I am celebrating that I have officially reached the "100's" as of last night!! I never thought I would see the day....Very, very exciting!!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lost more weight

This week I lost 3.2 pounds...I am about .8 away from a major milestone--the 100's!!!!! Will be a great feeling when I get there!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nourish the Spirit

One of the things that I have had to practice during this weight loss journey is being better at getting nourishment for my soul. When the soul feels empty, inevitably so does the body. I used to work really hard to fill the "hole" in my heart with food. But, like other substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.), food only fills that spot temporarily. Before you know it you crash and are back on empty again. So here are some things that I have found help me to fill and nourish my spirit:

1. Music
2. Prayer/Meditation
3. Music
4. Exercise
5. Music
6. Quiet time
7. Music
8. Time spent with people I love
9. Music (clearly music is very nourishing for me!)
10. Writing/blogging
11. Nature/Sunshine

When I'm feeling a little empty doing these things fill me up again--and last so much longer than a sugar high.

Friday, September 12, 2008

"The Son can do nothing without the father...."

Just a thought I had as I was listening to an on-line sermon. Even Jesus realized that He could do nothing separate from his Father. I could not have come this far with my weight loss without my God. My daily strength and inspiration comes from Him. All I had to do was surrender to His will and follow along. Just want to make that clear--when people say what a good job I have done, I feel like giving God the glory :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lost 2

Lost 2 pounds this week! Grand total: 71!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sometimes I forget.....

Sometimes I forget that I have lost so much weight. It catches me by surprise when people comment at work or somewhere else. And the more dramatic peoples' responses the more awkward I feel. I appreciate people noticing, but just want to be "normal" in that I don't want everyone talking about my weight all the time. Please don't misunderstand--I love hearing compliments, but it has been a little overwhelming to hear from everyone how much better I look. Guess life is good if that is all I have to complain about--Lord knows I would be complaining if people did NOT notice also!!!! Just my thoughts this week....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Down 4

Down 4 pounds this week! Very busy, with little time to update...Will find time to write more soon!