Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nourish the Spirit

One of the things that I have had to practice during this weight loss journey is being better at getting nourishment for my soul. When the soul feels empty, inevitably so does the body. I used to work really hard to fill the "hole" in my heart with food. But, like other substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.), food only fills that spot temporarily. Before you know it you crash and are back on empty again. So here are some things that I have found help me to fill and nourish my spirit:

1. Music
2. Prayer/Meditation
3. Music
4. Exercise
5. Music
6. Quiet time
7. Music
8. Time spent with people I love
9. Music (clearly music is very nourishing for me!)
10. Writing/blogging
11. Nature/Sunshine

When I'm feeling a little empty doing these things fill me up again--and last so much longer than a sugar high.

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