Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Blog

Hi All--New blog is up and running--check it out when you get a chance :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blog is Moving

It looks like I will be starting a new blog in the near future. I had thought about exporting this blog to my new blog, but after careful consideration, I am starting fresh. This blog is very special to me, and has helped me through the first parts of my journey to become healthier. I want it to stay just as it is right here at It is hard for me to believe when I look back that it has not even been a year since I started down this path...Blogging has turned out to be one of the best gifts I have ever given to myself!!

So I'm planning to move in a little bit different direction with the new blog. It will be one of the Monroe Evening News blogs and I have given it a title: "The Last 30 Pounds". That is what I truly have left to lose if I get down to my recommended BMI weight...So, I will make a valiant effort to get there. On my new blog I plan to post some about my own progress, about health concious living, new food/recipe discoveries, etc. Also, I'd like to have some guest contributors who are the "real" experts. I don't know..we'll see in time what shape it takes, I guess. I do also plan to have some "flashback" posts--from this blog to help people who are just starting out.

Thank you so much to all the regular readers of this blog--All four of you-ha ha (Mom, Jeremy, Chris and Kim) please follow me to my new site!!!

When I get the URL information I will post it....So long for now!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day Without Chocolate?

This is the first Valentine's Day that I have realized that it doesn't all have to be about chocolate!!! I LOVE to celebrate holidays--even hallmark ones--but in the past the celebration has centered too much around food. We have started some new traditions at our house that don't revolve around candy...

* This year the "Lovebugs" have been visiting all this week when we are in bed, and they write us a note and bring special surprises! Stickers, Valentine's socks, markers, etc., are a few of the fun surprises they have brought. Traditions like these take our minds off the CANDY that we used to celebrate with. There are other great ideas like this at

* Also, we have done lots of Valentine's crafts--made our own Kai Lan pillow( ), learned to cut our hearts from construction paper, etc.

* We have a giant wreath that hangs over our fireplace that we went and bought Valentine's lights and decorations for--"Mr. Kennoth"--also known as "Pot", (my dad), interior designer, extroardinare decorated it for us, and it looks beautiful!

* On a warmer day this week we went for a "red" walk around the neighborhood, and Chloe counted all the red/hearts that we saw.

* And of course we have been listening to love songs (Love Train, Love Me Tender, etc.) and reading Valentine's Day books.

* Last, but definitely not least, Jeremy and I are going on a little romantic getaway for the weekend :) We are so lucky to have supportive families who will love on our babies while we are gone.

Having said all of this--will there be chocolate? Yes, probably a little bit, but not in excess as in the past. Food doesn't have to be the center of our celebrations and traditions anymore. There are so many other valuable ways for us to spend our time together as a family!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No News is Bad News

Fellow blogger, Shauna Reid (, talks in her book about how in weightloss blog-land no news is usually bad I haven't updated in awhile...and while there's not bad news, there is not great news to report either. I have had a tough week with my "food issues". The interesting lesson for me (and I should have already known this), is that just when I get really comfortable and confident about my lifestyle change, and think that I'm "cured", I realize that this will be a life-long process. Some days are easier than others, but when you get right down to it, I will always struggle with disordered eating, and with keeping a healthy relationship with food. I will always have to remind myself that food is for physical nourishment. Energy. Fuel. It is not the old, trusted friend that I have relied on it for for so long. It is not the enemy either, nor is it bad in any way. Food is just food.

The silver lining--today has been good, and tomorrow will be even better. I'm back on track!!!!

Update re. Monroe Evening News Blog thing---still thinking about it....probably will do it. Any catchy new titles for a weightloss blog, anyone?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Blog Goes "Public"

I may have a new URL soon for this blog. My weightloss blog may become one of the blogs on the "blogroll" for the Monroe Evening News. Our local newspaper has a list of local bloggers on their website with topics ranging from parenting to pop-culture. I think a weight loss blog would be an excellent addition. It would be an opportunity to share with a wider audience my journey, both the ups and downs. So, for me it means increased accountability and visibility. Not totally sure how I feel about that yet, but I think it could be a really good thing for both me, and for other people who need information/inspiration. What do you think? Would you do it if you were me?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hungry and Full

Here is an interesting paradox I have been is entirely possible to be hungry and full at the same time. I haven't been thinking of it so much in terms of physical hunger or satiety--but emotionally. My new gratitude journal has been helping me to realize just how full my days are with blessings. In the past I have had such a hunger for more, more, more....and while I still feel hunger, I realize that at the same time I am completely full. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone but me, but has been a very important realization for me in my journey to be healthier.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Down 2 pounds

This has truly been a victorious week for me. I ate real food--very few "products" (protein bars or protein shakes) and still lost weight!! I felt like a real human being this week. I went to dinner with Jeremy, enjoyed eating healthy meals with my family, and still was down 2 pounds. The key for me is being organized and planning ahead. This makes me feel very confident that I can continue to take the weight off at a slower pace here....Hooray!!!