Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No News is Bad News

Fellow blogger, Shauna Reid (, talks in her book about how in weightloss blog-land no news is usually bad I haven't updated in awhile...and while there's not bad news, there is not great news to report either. I have had a tough week with my "food issues". The interesting lesson for me (and I should have already known this), is that just when I get really comfortable and confident about my lifestyle change, and think that I'm "cured", I realize that this will be a life-long process. Some days are easier than others, but when you get right down to it, I will always struggle with disordered eating, and with keeping a healthy relationship with food. I will always have to remind myself that food is for physical nourishment. Energy. Fuel. It is not the old, trusted friend that I have relied on it for for so long. It is not the enemy either, nor is it bad in any way. Food is just food.

The silver lining--today has been good, and tomorrow will be even better. I'm back on track!!!!

Update re. Monroe Evening News Blog thing---still thinking about it....probably will do it. Any catchy new titles for a weightloss blog, anyone?


Chris said...

All that you said is so true. Food is my enemy but not in the same way that it is your enemy. I beat myself up when I eat something that is junk. I feel like I have to do the same thing that you do and understand what food is and work on my thought process of not beating myself up.

kim said...

Well girls, ya know I have my issues as well. Just was talking about my cheesy thighs this morning. This is another reason why what your doing is good KT. We can all relate to how you are feeling in our own way and when you write it out it's making us all think and "feel" about it too. Think about that when finding a title for your blog....

KT said...

You girls have no idea how much your support means to me. Thanks for saying that my blog makes you think and feel--that means the world to me!!