Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Smallest Winner

At work right now there is a fabulous contest going on that I joined. Instead of the "Biggest Loser" someone suggested a competition called the "Smallest Winner"--a much more positive title if you ask me!! This has been a great way for me to continue to feel accountable and have somewhere to weigh in weekly. In addition to being weighed by the school nurse, another incentive to work hard is that there is a giant chart on the wall in the break room that reports everyone's weekly progress!! Since we started 2 weeks ago I have lost 3.8 pounds :) At the end of the contest the top 3 winners will get a cash prize--we all paid $20 at the beginning, plus $1 for each pound gained, and $5 for any missed weigh-ins. How fun!! Gotta' get cracking if I'm going to be the smallest winner!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I am officially "un-stuck"--I have broken through to the 180's!!! Hoorah!!! Also, scroll down to see my Flickr pictures updates as well as my ticker :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

one step at a time

I am trying to remember that I have lost a significant amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time. I have been a little "stuck" for the past 2 weeks and am feeling frustrated. Patience with this whole process is the key. My body has been going through so many changes that it is inevitable that at some point it will need to "catch up" and slow down a little. I have to really look many of the non-number successes when I plateau like this. How much better I feel, increased energy, enthusiasm for life, etc. I will have to work extra hard from here until spring--a period of time during which I typically gain a lot of weight. Here's to a new way of living and thinking this fall and winter!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

my "new" face

One of my co-workers commented today on how my face looks completely different to her since I have lost weight. I have also had multiple people say that they didn't recognize me at first when they saw me. While I am very happy about my weightloss (83 pounds and counting) I must admit that the changes in my appearance are somewhat weird for me. I don't realize it on a day to day basis, but when I look at pictures I think my face looks strange. For anyone who knows me--you know that I have had a round face pretty much since the day I was born. My thinner face is fine, but it just looks so different to me. Older looking--and now that I can see the bone structure of my face I realize that I have a smaller frame than I realized...Don't misunderstand. I would not trade my weightloss for ANYTHING--I feel so much better. But sometimes, just because I had gotten so used to them, I do miss my chubby cheeks a little bit ;)