Wednesday, October 8, 2008

my "new" face

One of my co-workers commented today on how my face looks completely different to her since I have lost weight. I have also had multiple people say that they didn't recognize me at first when they saw me. While I am very happy about my weightloss (83 pounds and counting) I must admit that the changes in my appearance are somewhat weird for me. I don't realize it on a day to day basis, but when I look at pictures I think my face looks strange. For anyone who knows me--you know that I have had a round face pretty much since the day I was born. My thinner face is fine, but it just looks so different to me. Older looking--and now that I can see the bone structure of my face I realize that I have a smaller frame than I realized...Don't misunderstand. I would not trade my weightloss for ANYTHING--I feel so much better. But sometimes, just because I had gotten so used to them, I do miss my chubby cheeks a little bit ;)

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