Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Smallest Winner

At work right now there is a fabulous contest going on that I joined. Instead of the "Biggest Loser" someone suggested a competition called the "Smallest Winner"--a much more positive title if you ask me!! This has been a great way for me to continue to feel accountable and have somewhere to weigh in weekly. In addition to being weighed by the school nurse, another incentive to work hard is that there is a giant chart on the wall in the break room that reports everyone's weekly progress!! Since we started 2 weeks ago I have lost 3.8 pounds :) At the end of the contest the top 3 winners will get a cash prize--we all paid $20 at the beginning, plus $1 for each pound gained, and $5 for any missed weigh-ins. How fun!! Gotta' get cracking if I'm going to be the smallest winner!!!!

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