Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Pretty Face

For a long time now I have known I have had this condition--I call it "Body-less Head Syndrome". If anyone else has ever had it than you know it feels a whole lot like you are head that is missing a body. I have more body awareness now than I used to, but at times it feels like I am completely detached from the neck down. When you are big, you spend a lot of time trying to cover, hide, camouflage and do pretty much anything you need to do to draw attention away from your body. People have told me my whole life, "You have such a pretty face!"--which seems like a compliment--if I was just a head!! Now that I am moving my body more, acknowledging it and taking care of it, I feel like my head is becoming re-attached to it. Interestingly the only other thing that has ever helped me feel more body awareness is singing. Go figure--I became a vocalist!! The whole experience of a sound coming from somewhere within, combined with the physical properties of singing--breathing, vibration and resonance throughout the body is one of the things that helps me to connect my head, body and soul.


Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful person and I love you.


Love you

KT said...

Thanks :)