Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I am quite honestly shocked by my most recent interest: cleaning. Other support group members in the weightloss group that I attend have had similar experiences. I want things in my house in order. For those of you who know me--I mean really know me, from way back when--this is a huge change for me. The only time I have ever organized and cleaned like this is when I was "nesting" while I was pregnant. Every day that I am at home I have a new project that I choose to work on. And Chloe loves helping me. I have thrown away soooo much JUNK in the past few weeks. I think it is really symbolic of an internal cleansing that I am experiencing from the weight loss. I want my environment and surroundings to reflect the balance and peace I am feeling inside. We are also looking into re-decorating and adding some color to our home. We got some paint samples this weekend and I was really drawn to very clean, vibrant, healthy colors like yellows (warmth, sunshine) and greens (new growth, new life) In fact my favorite color pallette was called "Citrus".

Here is a website that I really like: www.flylady.net. One of my co-workers told me about it. It helps people to "de-clutter" their lives. There is a link on this site to a book called "Body Clutter". One of my friends shared with our support group that she is reading a book with a similar title/theme. I don't know why I haven't thought of it before, but it makes a lot of sense that people who have disordered eating also sometimes have disordered environments. Fascinating....

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