Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yellow Moments

One of my favorite bloggers is Rosie--I think she's great. She talks a lot about "yellow" as being positive, happy, uplifting, etc. So I sometimes try to think of my life events in terms of what's happening that is "yellow" for me. Here are some yellow moments I have had recently during my weight loss journey...

-I can now run 1 mile (and a little more) and it is not painful. I do this every day and feel so good.
-I can wear my wedding band again--it is even a little loose. For awhile I was wearing a fake ring on my ring finger because my ring simply would not fit on my finger. This means the world to me to be able to wear it again.
-My daughter is learning new, healthy habits and that makes my heart smile. She is proud of her mommy and daddy and as supportive as a 3 year-old can be!
-I have lost the equivalent weight of my son and then some. When I hold him I can't believe I was carrying that much extra weight around.
-I have enough energy to stay up after my kids are in bed and feel like a sane person and spend time with my husband every night.
-I have learned how to reach out and ask for help when I need it along the way. It's okay that I don't have all the answers about how to do this.
-I can fit into clothing that I have not worn for at least 6 years. I bought new capris in a much smaller size than I was wearing.
-I just feel good. Everywhere. My body, my mind, my soul. I feel peaceful and have such gratitude to God.
-I am learning more about myself than I ever have--even in all of my experiential music therapy courses for personal growth, or my own personal therapy. This experience is giving me such insight into myself. And I am learning that I really like myself a lot.

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