Monday, July 21, 2008

Down 5.5

I lost another 5.5 pounds this week. That brings my total to 52 pounds! I have been on countless diets in the past, and have had some relative success with them, but have never, ever gotten 50 pounds off. Good feeling. And the cool thing is, that with other weight loss attempts I have had it is around this point that I start winding down and it starts getting old. But right now I feel like I am still just beginning my weightloss journey...I have the rest of my life ahead of me to make healthy choices for myself and for my family. What a good feeling :)
Another successful feeling this weekend was going to a wedding and actually taking my sweater off while wearing a sleeveless dress. I have never--and I really do mean never--worn anything sleeveless in public. I am always a little envious when I see cute sleeveless tops or dresses in stores that I like, but can't buy them because I would never dream of showing my upper arms to the world. Are my arms now perfect? Not even close, but the confidence I have gained is enough to make that big of a difference. It is liberating to say goodbye to the extreme self-conciousness I once had. At the wedding lots of people noticed that Jeremy and I had lost a lot of weight. Some people even implied that we had lost enough and that we really didn't need to lose more. This is an intersting part of losing weight. A social experiment really. Some people get very insecure about us losing too much weight. Like it is okay to lose a little weight and get a little healthier--as long as we don't get smaller than them. It really is fascinating to get to see how people react to someone improving themself...Can bring out the worst in people who are incredibly insecure. Hmmm...


Anonymous said...

Great job! I'm so proud of you!


kim said...

I bet you were beautiful in your sleeveless dress! I know I keep saying it...but I'm so proud of you and envious of how you have taken control of your life and the fact that you have learned to love yourself and see what the rest of us have been seeing all along. I hope to find that peace myself someday.

KT said...

Thanks, Kim. I love you so much! Your comment made me teary-eyed. You are truly one of my "twin souls" :)