Friday, July 11, 2008

The Next Chapter

I'm definitely ready to transition to eating some real food again. This week has been the hardest yet. I feel tired, and don't have the energy boost that I had a few weeks ago. I am so ready to take the next step on my weight loss journey. I have done the "fasting" thing long enough, and I think I am capable of adding some healthy food choices to my diet. I'm glad it will be gradual--just dinner for the first week. The interesting thing is that I have learned during the past 3 months to appreciate food so much more than I ever have. That might sound odd coming from someone who has been overeating her whole life--one would think that I would have a deep appreciation for food by this point. But, honestly, food had become boring to me. I got to a point where I was eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted--and nothing really even tasted good. And never once in the past have I learned to appreciate food for what it is: fuel for my body. I am starting the next chapter of my weight loss journey with a strong desire to fill my body with fuel that is clean and healthy. And I am gaining the tools and the strength that I need to do that every day. Wish me luck!

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