Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm Not Perfect

I have a four year-old who says some very poignant things sometimes. The other night when I was tucking her into bed she was talking about how she's not perfect. That she tries hard, but that only one "person" is perfect. I asked her who that was and she pointed up and said "God". Her understanding of spiritual matters sometimes astounds me and does not match up at all with her age--her spirituality is definitely one of her "talents" if you can call it that. We closed our evening time together by singing "I'm Not Perfect" by Laurie Berkner:

I'm not perfect, no I'm not,
I'm not perfect, But I've got what I've got,
I do my very best, do my very best, do my very best each day,
But I'm not perfect, and you know I like it that way.

Well anyhow, this really got me thinking. I am still a recovering perfectionist. Letting go of my approval addiction and my perfectionism is a huge part of my recovery from my disordered eating. And while I have made a lot of progress, it is still worth singing to myself on those days that those old parts of my personality creep up on me. So thank you to Chloe for giving me a song in my heart this week :) A mantra, really--"I'm not perfect, and you know I like it that way."

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