Monday, December 15, 2008

still, still, still

14th century
1: to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline 2: to sustain against opposition or danger : uphold and defend 3: to continue or persevere in : carry on , keep up 4 a: to support or provide for b: sustain 5: to affirm in or as if in argument : assert

This definition makes "maintaining" sound as challenging as it really is. My weight has always been in constant motion. Either moving up or down. Very infrequently do I stay "still" in terms of my weight loss. But in order for anyone to grow or make progress I think there needs to be a time of "stillness". A time to quietly and peacefully absorb what has happened, take it all in, and then move forward. My favorite Christmas carol this season is "Still, Still, Still". It reminds me that it is okay--even necessary--to stay still for a little while....

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