Friday, December 26, 2008

Set-back/New beginning!

I'm trying not to feel too disappointed in myself for the set-back I have experienced in the past few days. Our family had a wonderful Christmas--really--probably the best that I can remember in a long time. No one was sick, everyone was happy, etc. When it came to eating I had ZERO self-control. In my head I was the same 275 pound person that had a binge-eating disorder. I nibbled, and ate, and ate some more. I ate so much that today I had serious sugar withdrawl.

I could let this get me severely frustrated and let-down, but I am going to try not to. In fact, this minor curve in the road has led me back to the path that I need to be on. On Monday I am starting Optifast again, and will be attending weightloss support groups once again as well. I am determined to get back on course and to finish what I started back in April. Another 30 pounds and I will reach my goal. Wish me luck, will-power, and determination!


Chris said...

Good luck Katie. The holidays are evil. I only worked out 4 days last week and ate a ton and felt like crap. I totally know where you're coming from. Good luck with your new start today.

kim said...

It's Monday...know the next few days will be hard....know that I am thinking about you!

KT said...

Thanks girlz--you are right Chris--evil is a good word for it! Went to my support group tonight, and will start eating products tomorrow. Already lost the 8 pounds (I know--gasp--) that I gained last week!!!

Chris said...

That's awesome Katie. Good luck.